Credit & Debt...
Below are our articles on the subject of Credit & Debt. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Dealing with Debtors
Customer debt can result in cashflow difficulties for small businesses. As such, it is important that you have a clear idea of how to deal with debtors....

Developing Fair Payment for Staff
Staff are a vital part of any business. They perform vital tasks, and it is important that they feel valued in order to foster a sense of loyalty....

Investigating Commercial Mortgages
Taking on a commercial mortgage is a significant step in the life of any company. It is vitally important that you fully understand the impacts for your business....

Managing Your Business Finances
Keeping on top of your finances is a vital task for a business of any size. Failure to do so can have disastrous consequences, both for cashflow and in the event of an…...

Prerequisites for Gaining Credit
Securing capital is a problem for many start-up businesses. Looking for credit is one way to get a business off the ground, but there are certain requirements that any…...

Should I Lease Equipment?
Many start-up businesses lack the capital to buy the equipment they need. Leasing can be an efficient solution to this problem....

Supplementing Your Income
In their fledgling stages, many businesses do not provide enough income for their owners to survive. As such, you may consider taking on another job to supplement your…...

Top Five Tips for Success in Recession
Starting a business in a recession might seem like madness, but periods of downturn present valuable opportunities waiting to be seized by enterprising small businesses....

What is Factoring?
Cashflow problems are likely to affect every business at some stage. Factoring is a way in which finance problems can be smoothed over, and extra short-term cash can…...